
Business Success And Health

I was contemplating the circumstances that where in place in my life when I had success milestones. I realised that at anytime in my life that I had major achievments I was involved in some sort of healthy activity. Years of working on the road out of a car or in an office led me to decide I had two options do nothing and grow to the size of a house or pursue some form of health regime.Of course I chose Nail Pen the health regime.. It wasnt long before I realised that there were more benefits than just controlling my weight.I would always get up early in the morning and go to the gym before I went out to work. Benefit one When I arrived at my first appointment I realised that I was wide awake and mentally alert. My first customer would usually only just have dragged themselves into the office and was not on their game at that moment. So me being alert and fully awake gave me the advantage over them. I would be able to control the sales process much easier and usually end up with a Iphone 4s Expand Keyboard positive outcome. In sales if you can start the day well you usually have set yourself for a great day. I would have to say mornings tended to be to be my most productive time of the day. Benefit two My body became stong and healthy which in turn supported a healthy mind. When you have mind and body healthy and working together ther are few things that can stop you. I made my goal to get to management in the company that I represented , obviously because I could perform well this helped to get me recognised and I was promoted to state sales manager.While I was in the position of state sales manager I did not stop the gym routine. I actually stepped it up. It seemed to work as I was promoted to the national office in just over a year.Some people might say how did you find time for a 1 to 2 hr workout per day? Well I used to have to sit in traffic for over an hour to get to my office, the solution was to get up early make the same commute in 20min and workout in the gym while everyone else sat frustrated in their cars. I had the same results here getting to the office I was refreshed, alert and awake, more able to deal with the problems and challenges of the day.To keep a healthy mind is just the same excersise it by some type of self improvement. During these times I would attend seminars by people like Denis Whaitley, Harvey Mackay and Brian Tracey etc. I would also read books on motivation or subjects that could give me help in what I was doing.I continue this habit even today in as many ways as possible. I have taken many courses in lifestyle and financial improvement. I took tafe courses in management as well as doing Open University courses on management. I now continue that expansion of my mind by searching the web for information and guidance on internet marketing. This all just helps to keep my mind active and expanding.I firmly believe when you stop learning they are putting you in the ground.So how does this information apply to network marketers?Very much so as a network marketer we are sitting in front of a screen a lot of the time. This inaction is not good for health, we need to move about and exercise.We also need to have our minds alert and targeted if we are to filter out all the misleading and time wasting information that keeps being thrown our way.How do I keep fit nowadays well even though I am in a physically demanding day job I still get up early enough each day to take an hour walk, this helps to reset all my bodies systems and besides the healthy exercise gives me quiet time for thought and planning.Well there you have it I hope this helps you to think outside your chair and computer as to some of the important things that we need to create success. As you can see success comes from all aspects of our lives combined. See you for now and may you all successfully DIY

